
Directors and Audit & Supervisory Board Members

Position Name Biography / Reasons for selection

President and CEO

Keiji Ohno
Yasutsugu Iwamura


Apr. 1995
Joined JUSCO Co., Ltd. (now AEON CO., LTD.)
Sep. 2009
Manager, JUSCO Musashi Murayama Mall, AEON Retail Co., Ltd.
Feb. 2011
General Manager of Corporate Planning Division, Minami Kanto Company, AEON Retail Co., Ltd.
Mar. 2012
Group Customer Service Officer, AEON CO., LTD. and General Manager of Customer Service Division,AEON Retail Co., Ltd.
Mar. 2013
General Manager of Sales Division, AEON (Thailand) Co., Ltd.
May. 2015
Director and President, AEON (CAMBODIA) Co., Ltd.
Mar. 2021
President and CEO, AEON RYUKYU Co., Ltd.
Jul. 2022
Director and President, AEON CO. (M) BHD.
Mar. 2023
Executive Officer in Charge of Malaysia, AEON CO., LTD.
Mar. 2024
Counselor, the Company
May. 2024
President and CEO, the Company (to present)

Reasons for selection

After working as a store manager and in the Corporate Planning Department in the AEON Group’s general merchandise store (GMS) business, Keiji Ohno has abundant management experience and a track record of business promotion in Japan and overseas, including Malaysia, the core of the Group’s overseas operations, Cambodia, and AEON RYUKYU Co., Ltd.
The Company has appointed him as a new Director because it has determined that his experience and knowledge are appropriate for promoting medium- to long-term management issues and achieving profitable growth, such as capturing business opportunities in overseas growth markets and enhancing the value of malls through co-creation with our communities.

Senior Managing Director
Executive General Manager,
Administration Division

Mitsuhiro Fujiki
Mitsuhiro Fujiki


Apr. 1985
Joined the Company
Apr. 2011
General Manager of AEON MALL Niihama, the Company
Nov. 2012
General Manager of AEON MALL Miyazaki, the Company
Apr. 2013
General Manager of West Japan Business Department, Sales Division, the Company
Sep. 2014
General Manager of Chushikoku Business Department, Sales Division, the Company
Apr. 2015
General Manager of Sales Division, the Company
May. 2015
Director, General Manager of Sales Division, the Company
Apr. 2017
Director, General Manager of Leasing Division, the Company
May. 2018
Managing Director, General Manager of Leasing Division, the Company
Apr. 2021
Managing Director, General Manager of Customer Experience Creative Division, the Company
May. 2021
Senior Managing Director, General Manager of Customer Experience Creative Division, the Company
Apr. 2023
Senior Managing Director, Executive General Manager, Customer Experience Creative Division, the Company
Apr. 2024
Senior Managing Director, Executive General Manager, Administration Division, the Company (to present)

Reasons for selection

Since joining the Company, Mitsuhiro Fujiki has engaged primarily in the operation of shopping malls and in leasing operations and led the Customer Experience Creation Division, and since April 2024, he has served as Executive General Manager of Administration Division. He has served as Director since 2015. The Company has appointed him for another term as a Director because he has extensive knowledge and experience related to internal business, and can play a role in promoting business strategies from a management perspective.

Managing Director
Executive General Manager,
Finance & Accounting

Hideki Hayami
Hideki Hayami


Apr. 1996
Joined JUSCO Co., Ltd. (now AEON CO., LTD.)
May. 2012
Director, General Manager of Corporate Management Department, COX CO., LTD.
Feb. 2016
Director, in charge of Administration, COX CO., LTD
Mar. 2017
General Manager of Business Management Department, AEON CO., LTD.
May. 2018
Audit & Supervisory Board Member, the Company
Mar. 2020
Director and Managing Executive Officer in charge of Business Management, AEON Retail Co., Ltd.
Apr. 2024
Director, AEON Retail Co., Ltd. (part-time)
Apr. 2024
Executive General Manager of Finance & Accounting Division, the Company
May. 2024
Managing Director, Executive General Manager, Finance & Accounting Division, the Company (to present)

Reasons for selection

Hideki Hayami has experience as a Director of AEON Group companies and as an Audit & Supervisory Board Member of the Company. In particular, as Director in charge of Business Management, at AEON Retail Co., Ltd.,the largest retailer in the AEON Group, he supported the turnaround of the underperforming general merchandise store (GMS) business from an administrative perspective and contributed to the improvement of profitability.
The Company has appointed him as a new Director because he is a candidate who can contribute to the expansion of our profits by utilizing his abundant experience and knowledge in business management.

Director and Advisor

Motoya Okada
Motoya Okada


Mar. 1979
Joined JUSCO Co., Ltd. (now AEON CO., LTD.)
May. 1990
Director, JUSCO Co., Ltd.
Feb. 1992
Managing Director, JUSCO Co., Ltd.
May. 1995
Senior Managing Director, JUSCO Co., Ltd.
Jun. 1997
President, JUSCO Co., Ltd.
May. 1998
Director, the Company
May. 2002
Director and Advisor, the Company (to present)
May. 2003
Director, President and Representative Executive Officer, AEON CO., LTD.
Mar. 2012
Director, President and Representative Executive Officer, and Group CEO, AEON CO., LTD.
Feb. 2015
Director and Advisor, AEON Retail Co., Ltd. (to present)
Mar. 2020
Director, Chairman and Representative Executive Officer, AEON CO., LTD. (to present)

Reasons for selection

AEON CO., LTD. and each company in the AEON Group recognize that working to maximize synergy effects while striving for closely knit cooperation and emphasizing their mutual independence and autonomy, leads to shareholder interest. With his extensive experience and ability as a business manager, and with the goal of increasing the effectiveness of the administration of sound business management for the Company and the Group strategy, the Company has appointed Motoya Okada for Director.

General Manager of Development Division

Shinichiro Minami
Shinichiro Minami


Apr. 2000
Joined the Company
Feb. 2012
General Manager of AEON MALL Hubei Development Department, China Division, the Company
Jun. 2013
General Manager of AEON MALL Hubei, China Division, the Company
Jun. 2015
General Manager of Wuhan Jinyintan, AEON MALL (Hubei) Business Management Co., Ltd., the Company
Oct. 2016
General Manager of Wuhan Jinqiao, AEON MALL (Wuhan) Business Management Co., Ltd., the Company
May. 2018
President of AEON MALL (Hubei) Business Management Co., Ltd., the Company
Oct. 2020
General Manager of Chushikoku Business Department, Sales Division, the Company
Apr. 2023
General Manager of Development Division, the Company
May. 2023
Director,General Manager of Development Division, the Company (to present)

Reasons for selection

Since joining the Company, Shinichiro Minami has been engaged in the planning and development business, and has driven the development of new malls in the Wuhan area as the General Manager in charge of development in Hubei Province, China, as well as mall operations in the area as General Manager and President. In Japan, he has promoted area strategies for the Chugoku and Shikoku area as General Manager of Chushikoku Business Department, and has been Executive General Manager of Development Division since April 2023.
The Company has appointed him for another term as a Director because he possesses the business promotion, leadership, and risk response skills acquired through his experience in development and operation of malls in Japan and overseas, and is capable of leading future development operations, including strategic planning for the construction of next-generation malls and the development of diverse value offerings.

General Manager of Overseas Business Division

Daisuke Isobe
Daisuke Isobe


Aug. 2003
Joined the Company
Apr. 2012
General Manager of AEON MALL Sakai Kitahanada, the Company
May. 2015
Jan. 2018
President Director, PT. AEON MALL INDONESIA
Mar. 2022
General Manager of Nishikinki Business Department, Sales Division, the Company
Apr. 2023
Branch Manager of West Japan Branch, the Company
Apr. 2024
General Manager of Overseas Business Division, the Company
May. 2024
Director,General Manager of Overseas Business Division, the Company (to present)

Reasons for selection

Since joining the Company, Daisuke Isobe has served as General Manager of a domestic mall, General Manager of the opening of new malls in Indonesia, and President Director of a local subsidiary. He then returned to Japan and served as General Manager of department and Branch Manager.
The Company has appointed him as a new Director because he has practical experience as a manager and knowledge of management decision-making, and he is a candidate who can contribute to strengthening the profitability of our overseas operations and creating new sources of revenue through new businesses.

General Manager of Customer Experience Creation Division

Masayuki Tsuboya
Masayuki Tsuboya


Sep. 2003
Joined the Company
May. 2005
General Manager of Diamond City Itami Terrace, the Company
Apr. 2011
General Manager of Human Resource Management Department, the Company
May. 2013
General Manager of West Japan Leasing Department, Leasing Management Department, the Company
Nov. 2017
General Manager of Kyusyu & Okinawa Business Department, Sales Management Department, the Company
Mar. 2020
Managing Director, AEON MALL (CAMBODIA) Co., Ltd.
Feb. 2022
Managing Director, AEON MALL (CAMBODIA) LOGI PLUS Co., Ltd.
Apr. 2024
General Manager of Customer Experience Creation Division, the Company
May. 2024
Director,General Manager of Customer Experience Creation Division, the Company (to present)

Reasons for selection

Since joining the Company, Masayuki Tsuboya has experienced a wide range of business areas both domestically and internationally. After working as an organizational manager in Japan, with roles including mall management, human resources, training, area leasing, and business manager, he also has served as Managing Director of local subsidiaries in Cambodia.
The Company has appointed him as a new Director because he is a candidate who can promote and reform our business and can strengthen our domestic sales capabilities and drive revenue expansion.

Outside Director (Independent)

Kunihiro Koshizuka
Kunihiro Koshizuka


Apr. 1981
Joined Konishiroku Photo Industry Co., Ltd. (now KONICA MINOLTA, INC.)
Apr. 2013
Executive Officer, General Manager of Technology Strategy Department and R&D Headquarters, KONICA MINOLTA, INC.
Jun. 2014
Senior Executive Officer, General Manager of Technology Strategy Department and R&D Headquarters, KONICA MINOLTA, INC.
Jun. 2015
Director and Senior Executive Officer (CTO), KONICA MINOLTA, INC.
Jun. 2019
Senior Technical Advisor, KONICA MINOLTA, INC.
May. 2020
Outside Director, the Company (to present)
Jun. 2021
External Director, Tokyu Construction Co., Ltd. (to present)
Jun. 2022
Outside Director, WILL GROUP, INC. (to present)
Jun. 2022
Outside Director, F.C.C. Co., Ltd. (to present)

Reasons for selection

Kunihiro Koshizuka is engaged in technological strategies, creation of new businesses, large acquisition projects and other important operations at another company as a director. The Company is confident that he will be able to provide appropriate supervision and advice related to the promotion of digital transformation, businesses creating future lifestyles that respond to the new era and management issues by applying his knowledge and experience in digital and scientific technologies gained as an engineer. Accordingly, the Company appointed him for another term as a Director.

Outside Director (Independent)

Chisa Enomoto
Chisa Enomoto


Apr. 1984
Joined Recruit Co., Ltd.
Nov. 2005
General Manager of Public Relations Department, Philips Electronics Japan, Ltd.
Jul. 2012
General Manager of Communication & Public Affairs Division, Janssen Pharmaceutical K.K.
Jan. 2014
Executive Officer, General Manager of Social Communication Office, Tokyo Electric Power Company, Inc.
Apr. 2018
Executive Communication Strategist, Hitachi, Ltd.
Jun. 2018
Independent Director, Member of Supervisory Committee, PERSOL HOLDINGS CO., LTD. (to present)
Sep. 2018
External Director, JOYFUL HONDA CO., LTD.
Apr. 2019
A member of Communication Strategy Committee, Meiji University (to present)
May. 2021
Outside Director, the Company (to present)
Jun. 2022
Outside Director, Japan Post Co., Ltd. (to present)
Apr. 2024
Trustee, Meiji University (to present)

Reasons for selection

Chisa Enomoto has extensive experience and achievements as a leader at several companies, including foreignaffiliated companies. She is engaged in a wide range of activities and networks, including her position as an outside director at other companies and initiatives at a university. The Company is confident that she will provide supervision and advice on the sustainability information disclosure and promotion of brand strategy, which are the Company’s important issues, based on her deep insight and multifaceted point of view. Accordingly, the Company appointed her for another term as a Director.

Outside Director (Independent)

Hironobu Kurosaki
Hironobu Kurosaki


Apr. 1983
Joined NEC Corporation
Jul. 1993
Representative, Cairo Representative Office, NEC Corporation
Oct. 1994
Representative, Bahrain Representative Office, NEC Corporation
Apr. 2002
General Manager of Sales Department, China Business Promotion Division, NEC Corporation
Jun. 2010
President, NEC Telecommunication and Information Technology Ltd. (Istanbul), NEC Corporation
Jun. 2014
General Manager of Americas and EMEA Division, NEC Corporation
Oct. 2017
Representative of NEC EMEA Region, President and CEO of NEC Europe Ltd. (London), NEC Corporation
Apr. 2020
Senior Chief of Global Business Unit, NEC Corporation
May. 2021
Outside Director, the Company (to present)

Reasons for selection

The Company has appointed Hironobu Kurosaki for Director because it is confident he is able to provide appropriate supervision and advice on the Company’s growth policy of discovering and commercializing business opportunities in overseas growth markets, based on his management experience in overseas business activities and business expansion and knowledge in risk management gained as the head (President) of a local subsidiary.

Outside Director (Independent)

Junko Owada
Junko Owada


Apr. 1989
Aug. 2001
Joined Human Resources Research Institute Co., Ltd. of Recruit Group
Apr. 2009
Executive Officer, Recruit Management Solutions Co., Ltd.
Apr. 2013
Executive Officer, Recruit Career Co., Ltd.
Jul. 2016
Fellow Researcher, Recruit Career Co., Ltd.
Jul. 2016
Advisor, TOKYO ICHIBAN FOODS CO., LTD. (to present)
Apr. 2017
Assigned under Professional Contract of Human Resources Area, Hitachi, Ltd. (to present)
Jun. 2020
Outside Director, Arbeit Times Co., Ltd. (to present)
May. 2021
Outside Director, the Company (to present)
Jan. 2023
Outside Director, H.I.S. Co., Ltd. (to present)

Reasons for selection

Junko Owada has in-depth knowledge of human resources recruitment and training including personnel development, human resources solutions, diversity and workstyle reform, and possesses a career as an advisor related to solving issues in IT and human resources, and experience and achievements in offering consultations. The Company expects her to sufficiently provide supervision and advice on the promotion of human capital, diversity and work-style reform, which are the Company’s important issues, by utilizing the said experience or achievements. Accordingly, the Company appointed her for Director.

Outside Director (Independent)

Junko Taki
Junko Taki


Apr. 1990
Joined ORIX Corporation
Oct. 1997
Joined Asahi & Co. (now KPMG AZSA LLC)
Jun. 2018
General Manager of Global strategies Department, Suminoe Textile Co., Ltd.
Aug. 2019
General Manager of Global strategies Department and General Manager of Management Planning Department, Suminoe Textile Co., Ltd.
Feb. 2021
Representative, Taki CPA Office (to present)
May. 2022
Outside Director, the Company (to present)
Jun. 2022
Outside Audit & Supervisory Board Member, Nitta Gelatin Inc. (to present)
Jun. 2022
Outside Director, NIHON KAGAKU SANGYO CO., LTD. (to present)

Reasons for selection

Junko Taki has operational experience mainly in business plan formulation, rebuilding business management platforms, and creating internal control systems for accounting in executive positions close to management at other companies. She also has a high level of knowledge as an expert mainly in accounting auditing, accounting consulting, and corporate governance as a certified public accountant. Using this experience and knowledge, the Company expects her to provide appropriate supervision and advice on investment decisions, business strategy, and internal control auditing of the Company’s financial sector. Accordingly, the Company appointed her for Director.

Full-time Audit & Supervisory Board Member (Outside)

Kazuhiro Aoyama
Kazuhiro Aoyama


Apr. 1991
Joined JUSCO Co., Ltd. (now AEON CO., LTD.)
May. 2007
General Manager of Product Department, Mega Sports Co., LTD.
Apr. 2010
General Manager of Sales Strategy Department, Mega Sports Co., LTD.
Apr. 2014
Joined Group Management Auditing Office, AEON CO., LTD.
Nov. 2017
General Manager of Corporate Planning Office, Mega Sports Co., LTD.
May. 2020
Director, General Manager of Business Promotion Division and General Manager of Project Promotion Office, Mega Sports Co., LTD.
Mar. 2021
Director, General Manager of Business Promotion Division, Mega Sports Co., LTD.
May. 2021
Director in charge of Products and Digitalization, G-FOOT, Co., Ltd.
Apr. 2022
Director, Managing Executive Officer in charge of Sales and Products, G-FOOT, Co., Ltd.
Oct. 2022
Director, Managing Executive Officer in charge of Sales and EC, G-FOOT, Co., Ltd.
Apr. 2023
Director, Managing Executive Officer, Assistant to President, G-FOOT, Co., Ltd.
May. 2023
Full-Time Audit & Supervisory Board Member, the Company (to present)

Reasons for selection

We expect Kazuhiro Aoyama to conduct highly effective audits with a thorough knowledge of all aspects of management due to his extensive knowledge of management and sales strategies cultivated at the AEON Group and his experience as a director. For the above reasons the Company has judged him to be capable of appropriately executing his duties, and newly appointed him for Outside Audit & Supervisory Board Member.

Outside Member of the Audit and Supervisory Board (Independent)

Emi Torii
Emi Torii


Nov. 2005
Passed the national bar examination
Apr. 2006
Legal apprentice
Sep. 2007
Joined Nozomi Sogo Attorneys at Law
Apr. 2015
Kanto-Shinetsu Regional Pension Records Correction Council Committee Member, Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare
Apr. 2019
Partner, Nozomi Sogo Attorneys at Law (to present)
May. 2019
Outside Audit & Supervisory Board Member, the Company (to present)

Reasons for selection

Emi Torii possesses experience and expertise as a corporate lawyer, and has played an important role in auditing the legality of the execution of duties by the Company’s directors and improving internal control systems, thereby contributing to the Company’s management. Although she has no past experience of being directly involved in corporate management, for the above reasons the Company believes her to be able to appropriately perform her duties as an Outside Audit & Supervisory Board Member, and therefore appointed her again for Outside Audit & Supervisory Board Member.

Outside Member of the Audit and Supervisory Board (Independent)

Rumiko Tanabe
Rumiko Tanabe


Apr. 1992
Joined Asahi Shinwa Accounting, Inc. (now KPMG AZSA LLC)
Dec. 2004
General Manager of Accounting and Finance Department and Controller, American Home Assurance Company (now American Home Assurance Co., Ltd.)
Mar. 2006
Leader of Group Consolidated Accounting Team, FAST RETAILING CO., LTD.
Oct. 2014
General Manager of Finance Department, HOYA CORPORATION
Jun. 2020
Outside Director (Audit & Supervisory Committee Member), Fast Fitness Japan Incorporated
Jul. 2020
Director, Tanabe Certified Public Accountant Office (to present)
Sep. 2020
Outside Audit & Supervisory Board Member, TechnoPro Holdings, Inc.
Oct. 2020
Outside Audit & Supervisory Board Member, Credit Engine Group, Inc.
Sep. 2022
Outside Director (Audit & Supervisory Committee Member), TechnoPro Holdings, Inc. (to present)
May. 2023
Outside Audit & Supervisory Board Member, the Company (to present)
Outside Audit & Supervisory Board Member, TSI Holdings Co., Ltd. (to present)

Reasons for selection

We expect Rumiko Tanabe to conduct highly effective audits using her high level of knowledge based on her professional career due to her extensive experience as an expert in finance and accounting, including audit operations at an audit corporation, and expertise as a certified public accountant. Although she has never been involved in the management of a company in any way other as an outside officer, for the reasons stated above, the Company has judged that she is able to appropriately perform the duties expected of an Outside Audit & Supervisory Board Member by the Company, and has therefore newly appointed her for Outside Audit & Supervisory Board Member.

Audit & Supervisory Board Member

Masato Nishimatsu
Masato Nishimatsu


Mar. 1978
Joined JUSCO Co., Ltd. (now AEON CO., LTD.)
May. 2000
Director, JUSCO Co., Ltd.
Dec. 2001
Acting Trustee for Business, MYCAL Corp. (now AEON Retail Co., Ltd.)
Mar. 2007
Group Finance & Accounting Officer, AEON CO., LTD.
May. 2007
Vice President, AEON CO., LTD.
May. 2007
Audit & Supervisory Board Member, the Company
Aug. 2008
Vice President, Responsible for Group Accounting and Affiliated Companies, AEON CO., LTD.
Mar. 2013
Director, Senior Managing Director and in charge of Business Management, AEON Retail Co., Ltd.
Feb. 2015
Director, Senior Managing Director and in charge of the Financial Units and the Corporate Planning, The Daiei, Inc.
Mar. 2016
Executive Officer, Senior Chief Officer of Business Management, AEON CO., LTD.
Mar. 2017
Executive Vice President and Representative Director, and in charge of Administration, AEON Retail Co., Ltd.
May. 2018
Audit & Supervisory Board Member, AEON Hokkaido Corporation (to present)
Mar. 2020
Counselor, AEON CO., LTD. (to present)
May. 2020
Audit & Supervisory Board Member, AEON Delight Co., Ltd.
May. 2020
Audit & Supervisory Board Member, the Company (to present)
Mar. 2022
Audit & Supervisory Board Member, Fuji Co., Ltd. (to present)

Reasons for selection

He has a broad knowledge and expertise gained at AEON Group companies, based upon which he provides supervision and effective advice regarding overall company management.

  • Kunihiro Koshizuka and Chisa Enomoto and Hironobu Kurosaki and Junko Owada and and Junko Taki are outside directors stipulated by the Companies Act and independent officers stipulated by the Tokyo Stock Exchange.
    Kazuhiro Aoyama is an outside corporate auditor stipulated in the Companies Act.
    Emi Torii and Rumiko Tanabe are outside corporate auditors stipulated in the Companies Act and independent officers stipulated by the Tokyo Stock Exchange.

Expertise and Experience of Directors (Skill Matrix)

We appoint directors with diverse expertise and knowledge to the board of directors that will not only strengthen the management supervisory function, but also pursue key strategies and growth measures by leveraging our business characteristics. This skills matrix summarizes the skills we expect from each director.
Internal directors have an understanding of our overall business operations, a sense of balance, a history of achievements, and decision-making skills. They also have expertise in shopping mall operations and management, overseas business expansion, improved governance, sound finances, and so on. 
Outside directors consist of independent and expert individuals with management experience, expertise in a variety of industries. In addition to possessing a wealth of experience and a depth of knowledge, they offer various viewpoints and expertise on items such as international business strategy, enhancing governance, improving corporate branding, diversity management, and finance.

Corporate Management Internal Controls Finance and Accounting Real Estate Diversity and Workstyle Reform Digital Transformation Sustainability Global Marketing and Branding
Planning and development Operation
Keiji Ohno    
Mitsuhiro Fujiki    
Hideki Hayami      
Motoya Okada
Shinichiro Minami  
Daisuke Isobe    
Masayuki Tsuboya    
Kunihiro Koshizuka (Outside)
Chisa Enomoto (Outside)    
Hironobu Kurosaki (Outside)
Junko Owada (Outside)
Junko Taki (Outside)

*The list above does not represent all the expertise and experience each person has, but rather lists the skills we would especially like to see in candidates.