
Situation of Corporate Governance
4. Audit Status

4. Audit Status

Audits Conducted by Members of the Audit&Supervisory Board

  1. Organization, Personnel and Procedures

    The company has a total of four members of the Audit & Supervisory Board, of which three are outside members.
    The status of each Audit & Supervisory Board member is as follows.
    • Full-time Audit & Supervisory Board Member (Outside Member)
      Kazuhiro Aoyama
      He has extensive knowledge of management and sales strategies cultivated at Aeon Group companies and experience as a director at other companies.
    • Independent Outside Audit & Supervisory Board Member
      Emi Torii
      She possesses specialized knowledge and experience as an attorney in matters of corporate legal affairs.
    • Independent Outside Audit & Supervisory Board Member
      Rumiko Tanabe
      She has experience in auditing services at an auditing firm and has expertise in finance and accounting as a certified public accountant, as well as experience as an outside director (Audit & Supervisory Committee member) and corporate auditor at other companies.
    • Audit & Supervisory Board Member
      Masato Nishimatsu
      He possesses broad expertise and specialized knowledge cultivated at several AEON Group companies, and has knowledge in general business management.

    *The Audit & Supervisory Board is chaired by the full-time Audit & Supervisory Board member and, in principle, is held every month. In addition, we have assigned one person as dedicated staff for assisting the performance of duties by Audit & Supervisory Board members.
  2. Activity Status
    1. The attendance status of each Audit & Supervisory Board member at the Audit & Supervisory Board and board of directors meetings held during the fiscal year is as follows.
      Kazuhiro Aoyama:
      11/11 Audit & Supervisory Board meetings (100%)(Note), 12/12 board of directors meetings (100%)(Note)
      Emi Torii:
      14/15 Audit & Supervisory Board meetings (93%), 15/15 board of directors meetings (100%)
      Rumiko Tanabe:
      11/11 Audit & Supervisory Board meetings (100%), 12/12 board of directors meetings (100%)(Note)
      Masato Nishimatsu:
      15/15 Audit & Supervisory Board meetings (100%), 15/15 board of directors meetings (100%)
      (Note) Elected as Audit & Supervisory Board members of the company at the 112th regular meeting of shareholders, held on May 17, 2023, the day said members took office. The number of attendances and meetings presented are for those held on or after this day.
    2. Specific Matters for Consideration at the Audit & Supervisory Board
      (Matters for resolution)
      • Audit policy for Audit & Supervisory Board members, audit plans including priority audit items, and division of duties
      • Appointment or reappointment / non-reappointment of financial statement auditors
      • Agreement to audit remuneration for the financial statement auditors (Matters for information sharing and reporting)
      • Information exchange with the President and CEO
      • Information exchange with the financial statement auditors regarding audit policies, audit plans, and audit status
      • Information exchange with the Management Auditing Department regarding audit policies, audit plans, and audit status
      • Information exchange with outside directors
      • Reports from executive directors and others on priority audit items and topics arising during the period
      • Monthly audit activity report from the full-time Audit & Supervisory Board member
      • Review of the Audit and Supervisory Board activities for the year and preliminary discussion of the audit plan for the following year
    3. Audit Activities
      Members of the Audit & Supervisory Committee attend board of director and Management Council meetings, including by way of methods using the Internet and other channels, according to Audit & Supervisory Board standards, audit policies, and audit plans, etc. determined by the Audit & Supervisory Committee. Members audit the execution of duties by directors through the inspection of important documents and observations of operating departments, etc.
      The full-time Audit & Supervisory Board member, in addition to attending Management Council meetings held within the fiscal year, also attends major meetings such as those of the Risk Management Committee, Compliance Committee, ESG Promotion Committee, and the Disclosure Committee, checking the status of execution of director duties and providing opinions as necessary. In addition, independent outside auditors and corporate auditors also attend the Management Strategy Advisory Committee meetings, which focus on important policies and management issues in consultation with the president and CEO.
      The member also inspects and confirms the content of approval documents, minutes, major contracts, and other materials for executive directors.
      Independent outside directors and Audit & Supervisory Board members collaborate to hold monthly information exchange meetings with executive directors, executive officers, executive employees, and directors of subsidiaries, where one to two of these officers will attend. At these meetings, information is exchanged regarding progress, issues, and other matters for the fiscal year’s policy at each business unit or subsidiary. Furthermore, the full-time Audit & Supervisory Board Member requests reports on the status of execution of duties from executive directors, executive officers, employees, and others as necessary.

      The Audit & Supervisory Board receives reports from financial statement auditors about financial statement audit systems, audit plans including priority audit areas, audit execution status and audit results and exchanges opinions regarding these. Furthermore, the full-time Audit & Supervisory Board member conducts information exchanges at the appropriate timings with financial statement auditors, interacting actively with these auditors. The Audit & Supervisory Board also receives reports from the Management Auditing Department about internal audit systems, plans, execution status, and results and exchanges opinions regarding these. Furthermore, the full-time Audit & Supervisory Board member holds regular meetings with the Management Auditing Department, building a system of cooperation. In addition to these efforts to strengthen cooperation in three-party audits, we are working toward more efficient and effective Audit & Supervisory Board audits with the cooperation of internal controls departments.

Internal Audits

  1. Organization, Personnel and Procedures
    The Management Auditing Department is independent of other executive departments reporting directly to the president. 10 employees have been assigned to conduct internal audits. The Management Auditing Department conducts internal audits to confirm whether the execution of operations is conducted in accordance with various laws and regulations, company regulations, business plans, etc. The department also confirms whether operations are conducted effectively and efficiently, providing guidance and advice for improvement. We also conduct internal control evaluations for the internal control system stipulated by the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act.
  2. Mutual Cooperation Between Internal Audits, Audit & Supervisory Board Member Audits, and Accounting Audits
    The Management Auditing Department collaborates with full-time Audit & Supervisory Board members and accounting auditors on a regular and as-needed basis to share information and exchange opinions on the implementation plans and results of internal audits and internal control evaluations related to financial reporting.
  3. Efforts to Ensure Effective Internal Audits
    The Management Auditing Department reports on internal audit results and improvement statuses, etc., to the president and CEO and full-time Audit & Supervisory Board members as necessary. The department also reports a summary to the Management Meeting, the board of directors, and the Audit & Supervisory Board on a regular basis.

Financial Statement Auditor

  1. Name
    Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu LLC
  2. Continuous Audit Period
    33 years
    (Note) This period is within the possible scope of investigation by the company; the actual continuous audit period may exceed the above.
  3. Certified public accountants assisting in financial statement audits
    Tomoyasu Maruyama
    Jun Miyashita
  4. Individuals assisting in financial statement audits
    Twelve certified public accountants and 46 others assist in financial statement audit procedures.
  5. Policies and reasons for financial statement auditor selection
    In selecting a financial statement auditor, we take into account the overall organization, quality management systems, independence, audit implementation structure, and ability to centrally manage overseas subsidiary firms. We also consider audit fees and other factors.
    We received a presentation from Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu LLC explaining the firm’s corporate structure and policies regarding audits of our company. Subsequently, members of the Audit & Supervisory Board conducted a careful review and determined that Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu LLC was an appropriate selection as our financial statement auditor.
    Policies Regarding the Dismissal or Non-Reappointment of Financial Statement Auditors If the Audit & Supervisory Board determines that the financial statement auditor is subject to the provisions of Article 340, Paragraph 1 of the Companies Act, the Audit & Supervisory Board shall dismiss the accounting auditor, subject to the consent of all members of the Audit & Supervisory Board.
    In addition, if the Audit & Supervisory Board determines issues have arisen related to the audit quality, quality management, independence, etc., of the financial statement auditor, and that such issues represent a significant hindrance to the execution of audit procedures, the Audit & Supervisory Board shall submit a resolution at the general shareholders’ meeting for the dismissal non-reappointment of the proposed financial statement auditor.
  6. Evaluation of Financial Statement Auditor by the Members of the Audit & Supervisory Board and the Audit & Supervisory Board
    Based on financial statement auditor selection standards and evaluation standards established by the Audit & Supervisory Board, the Audit & Supervisory Board shall evaluate the quality management structure of the financial statement auditor, as well as the financial statement auditor’s independence, expertise,
    understanding of AEON MALL business operations, audit fees, communication with company management and members of the Audit & Supervisory Board, coordination with global network member firms, audit plans reflecting considerations of the risk of fraud, etc. Further, the Audit & Supervisory Board shall seek the opinions of the Finance and Accounting unit and Management Auditing Department (executive divisions participating in financial statement audits) in said evaluation.